Predatory sexual behavior has gone on for way too long. Our history is fraught with it and, I am ashamed to say, it was so much the ‘norm’ I once had a sign in my office that read ‘sexual harassment will not be reported but will be graded.’ That in and of itself shows...
I’ve been spending waaaay too much time on social media. I seem to scroll endlessly – particularly if I am prone. Lying in bed. It relaxes me. Until it doesn’t. I’m amazed at some of the things that show up there. Unsubstantiated claims of conspiracies, unchecked...
I sit in my cousins’ home office amongst the trees, overlooking nature as far as my eye can see. Her house is like a tree house, perched on the edge of a forest just outside of DC in a little haven of rolling hills and horse farms. I have always loved to be here. It...
Truth be told I have a love-hate relationship with social media. On the one hand I see it as a fabulous tool for both business and pleasure. Keeping up with relatives and friends (that I would otherwise be clueless about) thrills me. The ability to push out important...
I used to have a sign in my office that read “poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.” You have no idea how true that feels today. In this overly distracted, overly committed and underwhelmingly organized world it should be required...
I saw a girl today. She had one side of her hair cut short….the other side, long. As I studied her profile I liked the short side better. Funny thing is, when she turned to the side with the long hair she looked like a different person. No. Like totally different....
I cancelled my internet and cable television service today. I can’t tell you how liberating it feels. Too much time wasted on electronics. Seems like, these days, I move from television to iphone to ipad to laptop and back again. An endless circle…a gerbal wheel of...
As the story has it, there was this boy named Clark who came to live in Kansas. His family was a simple family -nice enough- with food on the table and love in their hearts. Clark loved them, they loved him and all was well. Yet… Clark had a yearning…something in his...
There’s a concept that has been trickling through mainstream. I say ‘concept’ because most people are just beginning to grasp the idea; ‘trickling’ because it has been a long time coming. A book on the subject was published in 1999. I bought it about that time but it...
I went for a run today. It’s something I have taken up recently. It feels good. And after several days of wind and rain, it was a welcome relief to be outside. There was a lot going on….neighbors cleaning up debris from the storm…kids playing…bikes trolling the...
A friend of mine shared something with me the other day. It was about her favorite tee shirt. She conspiringly leaned across the table and whispered, “ I have this favorite tee shirt that I paid like — thirty bucks for,” she looks around the room. “It was waaaay...
Ever noticed hat there are two kinds of people in the world? (Ok. So THAT’s a loaded question!) No really. These two kinds are distinct…(aren’t they always?) and the way they tend to view the world is sooooo incredibly different. It’s kinda’ like a...